Productive leisure, entertainment and cultural industry: From traditional leisure to digital leisure


  • Wilfrido de Jesús Primo Tapia Universidad Politécnica de Guanajuato



Leisure, Recreation, Entertainment, Cultural Industry (IC), Information Technology and Communication (ICT)


This article aims to show the changes that the concept of leisure has undergone from the Greeks to the present, establishing their uses and scope. It also addresses the role played by new technologies and their impact on the entertainment industry or cultural indus-try, highlighting the justification of leisure as a necessity that has allowed the birth of companies and industries that promote eco-nomic and social development. Through the descriptive analysis of leisure, new technologies and the entertainment industry; Highlights the construction of a society that seeks to satisfy leisure with digital content, which give way to digital leisure.


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Author Biography

Wilfrido de Jesús Primo Tapia, Universidad Politécnica de Guanajuato

Licenciada en Derecho por la UTEC. Maestra de la Enseñanza del Idioma Inglés por la UG. Maestra en Comercio Exterior por la Universidad de Celaya. Especialidad en Marco Jurí­dico del Comercio Exterior por la Universidad Intercontinental y PROMÉXICO.


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How to Cite

Primo Tapia, W. de J. (2017). Productive leisure, entertainment and cultural industry: From traditional leisure to digital leisure. UPGTO Management Review, 2(2), 101–119.




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