Inequity and inequality in university incentive systems for academic working mothers.


  • Diana Consuelo Caldera González Universidad Politécnica de Guanajuato
  • Ma. Eugenia Sánchez Ramos
  • Celestina González González



Inequality, inequality, working mothers


The experience of some university researchers whose academic performance has not been fully acknowledged by the University’s stimulus system, in one of the cases due to the fact that they did not teach classes in front of a group for a period of three months, during Which had incapacity for maternity.

The objective is to highlight the inability of some decision-making bodies within the Universities to recognize that, nevertheless, the search for equality between men and women, there are some biological principles that differentiate us, which must be assumed and respected without this impairing the Economic and labor market.

To this end, documentary research is used to make a general outline of the national and international legal framework that protects the rights of working mothers, which will be complemented based on interviews and later contrast the internal and external legal elements of the system University in order to establish legal inconsistencies and omissions in the specific case of maternity, in university stimulus systems.

Among the conclusions is that despite the existence of various legal provisions that protect working mothers, in universities there is still the denial and impossibility to recognize motherhood, gestation, childbirth, puerperium and lactation, as Women’s rights, and the limitation, restriction or deprivation of the labor rights of female university workers should be avoided, in this case recognition of academic performance through the stimulus system.


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Author Biography

Diana Consuelo Caldera González, Universidad Politécnica de Guanajuato

Licenciada en Derecho por la UTEC. Maestra de la Enseñanza del Idioma Inglés por la UG. Maestra en Comercio Exterior por la Universidad de Celaya. Especialidad en Marco Jurí­dico del Comercio Exterior por la Universidad Intercontinental y PROMÉXICO.


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How to Cite

Caldera González, D. C., Sánchez Ramos, M. E., & González González, C. (2017). Inequity and inequality in university incentive systems for academic working mothers. UPGTO Management Review, 2(2), 54–64.




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