The classroom climate as a factor that allows promoting Personalistic Education in Mounier’s perspective.


  • Patricia Emma Díaz González



Personalist education. Mounier. Classroom climate.


All teachers have lived the deception of not achieving their goals; this means not getting their students to learn, whether in elementary school or college.

To reverse this worrying situation, they have tried different strategies related to different aspects of the complicated world that education implies. They have developed new approaches to the philosophy of education, theory of knowledge, didactic teaching methods, and teaching resources, but they seldom consider the student’s anthropology.

If one considers that the student is a person and that “the person” is the ultimate explanatory, epistemological, ontological, and axiological principle of all reality, then education should change its goals.

In this perspective, the new, irreducible key to thought, especially regarding social organization, is the human person. For this reason, the purpose of education should comprehensively consider the student’s development into the “awakening” of the person.

In this proposal, educators have a primary duty: direct their efforts to contribute to the “awakening of the person” in their students, and this is only possible if they both interact in the classroom through love and comprehension, regardless of the subject that is being taught.



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How to Cite

Díaz González, P. E. (2024). The classroom climate as a factor that allows promoting Personalistic Education in Mounier’s perspective. UPGTO Management Review, 9(1), 27–34.

