The style of negotiation between the countries of Asia and Mexico: Differences and similarities.


  • Dra. Marí­a Guadalupe Arredondo Hidalgo UG
  • Mtro. Martí­n P. Pantoja Aguilar UG



International negotiation, International trade, Mexico, Asia


This work is a documental research in order to identify current conditions in the field of negotia-tions, its treaties and trade balance, as negotiating history between the countries of Asia and Mexico. Also collects negotiation styles of different Asian countries and the one in Mexico, all identified by various authors, based on the proposals of Benoliel and Chamoun Nicolás and develop a comparison of negotiation styles between Mexico and Asian coun-tries. The results allow to recognize that negotiation processes are in most cases mutually different, but overlapping in some. Concluding that International negotiations involve a complex process of prepara-tion and a thorough analysis to be successful.
Palabras clave: Negociación Internacional, Comer-
cio Exterior, México, Asia


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How to Cite

Arredondo Hidalgo, D. M. G., & Pantoja Aguilar, M. M. P. (2016). The style of negotiation between the countries of Asia and Mexico: Differences and similarities. UPGTO Management Review, 1(2), 90–102.

