Factors of love (lovemark) of the Apple brand in the Central Zone of Mexico





manufactureras, Factores externos, factores internos, gestión estratégica


Zoquite Materials of Construction is a family business founded in 1999 for the retail sale of construction materials. The advance in the quote of the market allowed since 2002 to provide wholesale materials to other distributors and to the secretariat of infrastructure, connectivity and mobility (SICOM), likewise, it implemented a workshop for the manufacture of prefabricated cement-based products and for a couple of decades the quote of the market was maintained, which has kept it current, but has not allowed it to grow. And because of it, the Zoquite environment was analyzed using the PESTLE and EFE matrix tools for the macroenvironment, and techniques such as Porter’s 5 forces, CPM matrix for the microenvironment, as well as value chain, SWOT and IFE matrix for the internal analysis of the company, which resulted in the establishment of a strategic plan for the growth of the company in accordance with the organizational objectives, through a program and a project to improve its internal weaknesses in order to take advantage of the opportunities that the environment provides, under the premise of product development and market penetration, recommending its implementation through principles such as catch ball and Hoshin Kanri.


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How to Cite

Chavez Valencia, L. E., Gordillo Benavente, L. de J., Reyes López, O., & Tiburcio Sánchez, M. de L. (2023). Factors of love (lovemark) of the Apple brand in the Central Zone of Mexico. UPGTO Management Review, 8(1), 33–52. https://doi.org/10.18583/umr.v8i1.218

