Methodological proposal to evaluate the degree of development of innovation in small companies applying the polar diagrammer technique


  • Dr. Rafael O. Sainz Zamora UAEM
  • Lic. Guadalupe Elizabeth Zermeño Padilla UAEM
  • Lic.Ángel Cruz Villa UAEM
  • Ing. Uziel Mejia Mendoza UAEM



Evaluation, Development, Innovation, Small business, Polar diagram


For companies, the change is the process through which one becomes, in a different way, what it was at an earlier time. It is the age of accelerated changes for innovation, in almost, all areas of human activities. Toffler (2006) maintains that “The values to proclaim within the innovation process are curiosity, thought, creativity, individuality and entrepreneurial spirit.”

Innovation does not only associates to the product or service but it involves the entire company; in their strategies, processes, marketing and distribution of products or services that are offered. This is initiated by the staff of the company, provided that the conditions and enabling environments are taken by the company at one time. For Hamel (2000) the company combines four components: the relationship with the client, the key strategy, strategic resources and the value connections, where the innovative enterprise redefines totally or partially some of these concepts. But success goes out indisputably from the current human talent and its development. Thus, the SMEs must identify the primary factors that allow a diagnosis of potentiality for innovation. Such factors are representative of the human
characteristics and organization elements the company must have.

In this paper the basic elements are presented, which are required for small businesses to identify and assess its potential in terms of innovation. 


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How to Cite

Sainz Zamora, D. R. O., Zermeño Padilla, L. G. E., Cruz Villa, L., & Mejia Mendoza, I. U. (2016). Methodological proposal to evaluate the degree of development of innovation in small companies applying the polar diagrammer technique. UPGTO Management Review, 1(2), 4–17.

