Determination of the Partial Objectives of a Project, Applying the Longest Route


  • Dr. Rafael Octavio Sainz Zamora UAEM
  • Inga. Ana Rosa Cornejo Martí­nez UAEM
  • L.A. Mayra Morán Castrejón UAEM
  • C.P. Rosa Araceli Torres Castañeda UAEM



Partial objectives, Critical path, Project evaluation, Gantt Chart, Goals


This document is about the problem of what it means to establish the partial project objectives addressed when its importance is minimized or is unfounded. Sometimes they resort to Gantt chart as a solution, but as you will see later, this is not the best option. A wrong approach to these objectives can alter the allocation of tasks and therefore not arrive at the expected results, manifest lack of control in material and human resources.
The proposal is to use the technique of Project Evaluation and Review Technique, on estimates for determining the activities to time. Hence, to conform to group what are the partial objectives? This is a proposal that avoids imposing objectives, and activities that bring together rationally, these goals are established as a consequence and not as a condition.


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How to Cite

Sainz Zamora, D. R. O., Cornejo Martí­nez, I. A. R., Morán Castrejón, L. M., & Torres Castañeda, C. R. A. (2016). Determination of the Partial Objectives of a Project, Applying the Longest Route. UPGTO Management Review, 1(2), 18–33.




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