Women, the cultural labyrinth and the assumption of critical thinking


  • Célica Esther Cánovas Marmo Universidad Politécnica de Guanajuato




Thought, self-construction, gender


This paper addresses the role of critical thinking in the self-construction of gender, which allows women and men to avoid the prejudices that structure the cultural maze in which they are confined. Same as it derives from “a binary logic by which difference is conceptualized as ‘or one or the other’. The one occupies the superior hierarchical position and the other (the other), the unjerarquizada position; One is subject, the other (the other) is an object “(Burin, 1996).
Through interviews conducted in different spheres and times, I have been able to identify the subjective processes where women of different social classes, races, economic sectors, educational levels, and some with deep religious faith, construct new meanings around gender, - complex category of analysis , Created to give visibility to women in history.
The results of these inquiries show that in this construction process there are two kinds of thoughts: the intuitive and the critical. The first allows us to perceive the magnitude of the problem that implies assuming the resignification of gender. The second is a reflexive process that places women before themselves and before others; Process that can not remain unrelated to men, when they really engage in the challenge of establishing different intergeneric relationships.
This critical thinking and the subjective ways in which it manifests, show a feminine particularity that puts them outside of a cultural tradition that does not know the possibility of reasoning. I think it is important to return to the origins of certain concepts such as gender and the gender perspective at a time when much is being said about gender equality, equal treatment of men and women, as well as the acceptance of women’s presence in different Areas. I think this is feasible through the construction of other behaviors, such as those involving practices of a kind of syncretism between reason and subjectivity, guiding a different femininity where critical thinking plays an important role.


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Author Biography

Célica Esther Cánovas Marmo, Universidad Politécnica de Guanajuato

Licenciada en Derecho por la UTEC. Maestra de la Enseñanza del Idioma Inglés por la UG. Maestra en Comercio Exterior por la Universidad de Celaya. Especialidad en Marco Jurí­dico del Comercio Exterior por la Universidad Intercontinental y PROMÉXICO.


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How to Cite

Cánovas Marmo, C. E. (2017). Women, the cultural labyrinth and the assumption of critical thinking. UPGTO Management Review, 2(2), 1–9. https://doi.org/10.18583/umr.v2i2.56

