The radio as a training strategy for the MSEs from the Sierra Juárez region of Oaxaca.


  • Veronica Elizabeth Trujillo Martinez
  • Laura Thaigi Mendoza Gómez
  • Roberto Vicente Yescas
  • Marta Goretti Andrez Morales
  • Arturo Vargas Fentanes



Radio, strategy, training, informative radio capsules, MSEs.


This work diagnoses the training needs of MSEs enterprises in order to design informative radio capsules, as a strategy to train and promote the economic development of the Sierra Juárez region of Oaxaca through the radio station "La voz de la Sierra Juárez" (The voice of the Sierra Juárez). The study is developed under a qualitative approach and a cross-sectional design and the scope is descriptive-interpretative-explanatory. As main results of this research, it was found that the micro and small entrepreneurs of the Sierra Juárez de Oaxaca are unaware of basic business aspects that lead to the development, growth and consolidation of businesses, expressing the urgent need for training and education that promote, motivate and detonate the economic development of the Oaxacan region, for which capsules are developed in the radio station in the area according to the issues previously identified in the MSEs.


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How to Cite

Trujillo Martinez, V. E., Mendoza Gómez, L. T., Yescas, R. V. ., Andrez Morales , . M. G. ., & Vargas Fentanes, A. . (2022). The radio as a training strategy for the MSEs from the Sierra Juárez region of Oaxaca. UPGTO Management Review, 7(2), 37–42.

