Entrepreneur and businessman a construction from the dynamics of economic thought.


  • Wilfrido de Jesús Primo Tapia Universidad de Cartagena, Colombia
  • Héctor Felipe Turizo Tapia Universidad del Atlántico-Colombia




Business development, Entrepreneur, Innovation, Economic development


The birth of companies and other survival in a competitive market is subject to the role of entrepreneurs and businessmen. In the history of economic thought can be found contributions to the formation of a businessman and entrepreneur. This work presents the main approaches of economic thought that have contributed to the development of the concept of businessman and entrepreneur. In this regard, the concepts of economic schools are addressed from the perspective of the most important representatives, to understand the entrepreneur as agent producing benefits through resource management; additiona-lly it shows how the entrepreneur is conceived in the role of inno-vator, change agent, and oppor-tunistic to create new businesses or take advantage of business opportunities. Finally a reflection on the efforts of Latin American states has to develop the entre-preneurial mindset and business creation, in order to boost economic growth of the countries and the region in general.


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Author Biographies

Wilfrido de Jesús Primo Tapia, Universidad de Cartagena, Colombia

Economista (Universidad de Cartagena, Colombia). Magí­ster en Desarrollo Empresarial (Universidad del Magdalena, Colombia). Doctorando en Ciencias Económicas (Universidad del Zulia, Venezuela). Docente de la Universidad de Cartagena en el área de economí­a para el Programa Administración de Empresas. wprimot@unicartagena.edu.co Dirección Programa Administración de Empresas Campus Piedra de Bolí­var, Avenida del Consulado Calle 30 No. 48 - 152, Cartagena, Bolí­var, Colombia


Héctor Felipe Turizo Tapia, Universidad del Atlántico-Colombia

Economista (universidad del Atlántico-Colombia). Magí­ster en Desarrollo Empresarial. (Universidad del Magdalena-Colombia). Funcionario de la escuela superior de Administración Pública - ESAP


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How to Cite

Primo Tapia, W. de J., & Turizo Tapia, H. F. (2017). Entrepreneur and businessman a construction from the dynamics of economic thought. UPGTO Management Review, 2(1), 17–48. https://doi.org/10.18583/umr.v2i1.44

