The personalist awakening. Its historical and cultural origins


  • María Eugenia Guzmán Gómez.



Personalismo, persona, despertar personalista, antropología, crisis liberal


The first half of the 20th century represented a convulsive period in the history of humanity, where there was enormous political, economic and social tension that would lead to two World Wars. A time of great political, economic and social change in Europe but also of a strong intellectual and moral crisis. Faced with this some philosophers will agree on a common ideological framework, attitude and perspective: placing the person at the centre of reflection and conceptual anthropological structure, thus giving rise to the so-called “personalism”. This exhibition aims to give a general overview of the historical and cultural origins of Personalism and the philosophical tendencies that influenced its thinkers, highlighting the importance of the political, economic, social and cultural context for its formation and the relevance of its thought in this context.


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How to Cite

Guzmán Gómez., M. E. (2024). The personalist awakening. Its historical and cultural origins. UPGTO Management Review, 9(1), 48–57.

