Determinants of the Trade Balance in Mexico, 2000-2014


  • Juan Carlos Márquez Ortiz Universidad Politécnica de Guanajuato



Marshall–Lerner condition, Depreciation, Exchange rate, Balance of trade


The objective this paper is to empirically determine the main variables macro that influence the movements of the trade balance in the Mexican economy for the period 2000.I-2014.II. Through the methodology of Vector Error Correction (VEC’s), we find that a depreciation of the real exchange rate and an increase in economic activity in the country are factors that push towards a surplus in the trade balance of Mexico. While an increase in industrial production in the United States has a reverse effect.


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Author Biography

Juan Carlos Márquez Ortiz, Universidad Politécnica de Guanajuato

Licenciada en Derecho por la UTEC. Maestra de la Enseñanza del Idioma Inglés por la UG. Maestra en Comercio Exterior por la Universidad de Celaya. Especialidad en Marco Jurí­dico del Comercio Exterior por la Universidad Intercontinental y PROMÉXICO.


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How to Cite

Márquez Ortiz, J. C. (2018). Determinants of the Trade Balance in Mexico, 2000-2014. UPGTO Management Review, 3(1), 23–36.

