Fundamental Aspects to Strengthen the Phronesis (ΦΡΌΝΗΣΙΣ) of the Project Manager, Suitable and Competent for the 21st Century


  • Salvatore Tarantino-Curseri Asesor e investigador independiente de las Ciencias Generales



Cognition, truth, incommunicability, symploké, bonae mentis


The manager's arete (excellence) of every Project Manager requires the progressive enlargement of his Sophia (intellectual-theoretical wisdom) in order to achieve the continuous improvement of his PhronÄ“sis (practical wisdom), in this way, using the principle of Symplokíª (interdisciplinarity), as the guiding thread, in this article the term Phronesis will be defined, acceptance will be placed in Reason and Cognition, the long-term incommunicability between the disciplines will be discussed, and the necessary Symplokíª principle will be discussed. appropriations "of Descartes and his Méthode, ending with a dissertation where the position that should be taken by all Project Managers, concluding that the strengthening of Phronesis has its genesis in the eternal expansion of the Sophia and thus, the Sophia + Phronesis construct, forms the antidote to combat the ravages of the ultra-competitive wave in which the Project Manager of the 21st century is immersed.


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Author Biography

Salvatore Tarantino-Curseri, Asesor e investigador independiente de las Ciencias Generales

Asesor e investigador independiente de las Ciencias Generales


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How to Cite

Tarantino-Curseri, S. (2019). Fundamental Aspects to Strengthen the Phronesis (ΦΡΌΝΗΣΙΣ) of the Project Manager, Suitable and Competent for the 21st Century. UPGTO Management Review, 3(3).